My fondest experience in GLA so far

I’d have to say my fondest experiences so far in GLA has been mostly in our Leadership sessions only because it has brought us a group so much closer to each other because of the vulnerable feel in the space we found ourselves in.

I don’t think any of us expected us to grow together in such a space. The fear we all felt in the moment we heard we had to speak about ourselves among each other as strangers, the first day of bootcamp, it was really tough to share at first. Once we heard how easy people sharing things about themselves, it just felt more easy to let out the things we wrote down in our river of life and even gave us courage to say more things that we hadn’t even written out. It was just a good experience for me to know that there are other people that have gone through similar things in life and in that way it was very encouraging.

I am grateful for moments I could express myself freely and also for the moments where I was given the opportunity to listen to someone else’s story. I cannot wait to continue to grow with these amazing people over the next couple of weeks!!!

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